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This is the Arua Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 1
Region 1Arua
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Which sub-regions are included in Arua? Here's the list of sub-regions in Arua.
Region1 Region2
Arua Arua Municipality
Arua Ayivu
Arua Koboko
Arua Madi-Okollo
Arua Maracha
Arua Terego
Arua Vurra
Envelope Example
Uganda Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: uga.pdf . (English)


Uganda does not have a postal code system, so there is no postal code for Uganda addresses or places for now. The postal code system is bulit or maintained by the national postal department. If you want a postal code, you can contact your local post office for help.

Uganda does not use postal codes, so there is no postal code anyone in Uganda. You can use 00000 as your postal code.

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